Learning Experience Design

Weekly Review | W34 2016

It feels like we may have hit peak summer here in Nashville. At least, the four fall candles and pumpkin scented hand soap I purchased at Bath and Body Works this week have convinced me that we're well on our way to autumn.

Peak summer?

For me, this was my last "free" week of summer. I'm taking two classes this semester and they both start tomorrow! I'm already tired all the time; adding more to the plate may help me manage my free time. Moving to Nashville has been about reestablishing routines for me. Some are still a work in progress – like the gym – but others, like food prep, have been pretty successful.

Food prep!

I had a pretty solid week that ended with a visit from my Mom and sister! Going to dinner or brunch on the weekend is quite the ordeal as we found out. Most brunch spots are packed and require either an hour-long wait or involve standing in a single-file line until there's a table ready. Not my favorite routine, but one that maybe I'll take a chance to get used to. 

Taqueria del Sol. Super spicy!

Two new spots we checked out this weekend: Taqueria del Sol and Burger Up. Both were solid choices; both had a line.

Burger Up: Pimento cheese burger. I ate it with a knife and fork!

We thought we'd get rained out of the Panthers game, but ended up taking Lyft over and having a great time! I'm always sad when they leave, but I'll be back home to visit soon!